Playing with FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early)
Scott Rieckens
Stop Overthinking
Nick Trenton
Never Split the Difference
Chris Voss and Tahl Raz
No Excuses!
Brian Tracy
Win Every Argument
Mehdi Hasan
Super Brain
Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi
Love Sense
Sue Johnson
The Power of Awakening
Wayne W. Dyer
Marty Cagan
Millionaire Success Habits
Dean Graziosi
Robert B. Cialdini
The Daily Laws
Robert Greene
Charles Seife
Talk Like TED
Carmine Gallo
Unlimited Memory
Kevin Horsley
Sex at Dawn
Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá
Eat That Frog!
Brian Tracy
Jim Kwik
Making Habits, Breaking Habits
Jeremy Dean
Learn Like a Pro
Barbara Oakley and Olav Schewe
The Leader Lab
Tania Luna and LeeAnn Renninger
The Art of Happiness
Dalai Lama
Tribe of Mentors
Tim Ferriss
Surrounded by Idiots
Thomas Erikson
The Power of Habit
Charles Duhigg
The Scout Mindset
Julia Galef
The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
John Perkins
The Courage Habit
Kate Swoboda